Thursday, April 28, 2011

We had a wonderful sunny Easter time

And our princely boy had a smashing time ... as had the rest of our pack.

Baby girl

Our little Poppy has found a forever home, she will move out in May

Our Lu

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Still alive

with so much work in the garden .. and the house, I forgot to tell you that we have ...

a new foster dog ...
Poppy, Dachshound/Chihuahua mix, 4 years old, was found abandoned in an apartment by a landowner after the former tenant had moved out ... a week after the day of the move.
Despite that she is a healthy, happy little girl - very gentle and wonderful. A real sweetheart. With just one big problem. She cannot stay alone without a human present. We are training her, but this is the only training she outright refuses ... she is very intelligent, can all commands (down, sit, stay, roll over, high five etc.) yet she won't stay alone, which is no surprise considering her former ordeal I guess.