Thursday, December 30, 2010

Looking back

The past year has been such a crowded, overwhelming one. A lot of good and a lot of bad has happened. We had to say good bye and we were able to say hello.
For the past three months we are now living in a dream come true and yet, we are still learning, still adjusting, still mourning.
We are literally getting our feet wet as smallholders and it is both exciting and very, very scary.

Our small livestock is growing and all are well and we are looking forward to the time where we get a couple of more hens as well as ducks. Soon I will have to built my raised vegetable beds. But atm we are all enjoying the stillstand of winter, the daily routine of looking after our livestock. There is a lot of planning to be done. Books are piled up on my kitchen table, providing me with lots of inspiration (and instilling me with fear), and a much needed planner to get to know the rhythm of garden life.

We are still enjoying the winter wonderland that is surrounding us. There are still chores to do, especially in view of the New Year ahead of us but it all goes smoothly, as if we have never done anything else before. These urbanites have smoothly and effortlessly slipped into a farmer's life ... and we love it.

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